Tamura Elementary PTA

Tamura Elementary PTA

Who Will Be Our Top Tier?

Tamura is turning 60 this year, and we’re hosting a year-long birthday celebration! To kick things off, our annual PTA Membership drive will be birthday-themed. Our goal is to have 300 PTA membership sign-ups. Which class will be our top-tier in PTA Membership sign-ups?

From now until September 30, the classes with the highest participation signing up PTA Members (measured by percentage of class participation) will earn a popcorn & popsicle party! Please note, PTA membership must be renewed each year!

Who Can Join PTA?

Anyone with an interest in Tamura and its students can join PTA! That means parents, grandparents, caregivers, aunts, uncles, neighbors, friends, and any other interested adult you can think of. Each membership ties directly to one person, so it is perfectly acceptable and celebrated to have more than one person in your home join the PTA.

What does joining PTA Mean?

Basically, it means that you have paid your $20 Membership dues to support Tamura and our PTA activities. You have no more obligation than that. However, we welcome and encourage our PTA members to support further by donating during and outside of our fundraisers, as well as volunteering to help with our activities. You’ll find details about those activities on this web page and will see opportunities for sign-ups as the year goes on. We would also love to see you at our bi-monthly PTA meetings to hear about everything that is going on, share your feedback, and get more involved!

What does PTA do?

Each year, it costs hundreds of dollars per student to fund the programs Tamura PTA provides. Here are just a few of things PTA supports:

  • Field Trips
  • Assemblies
  • STEAM Nights and classroom visits
  • Accelerated Reader
  • Meet the Masters’ art curriculum
  • Fall Festival
  • Movie Night
  • Fun in the Sun Carnival
  • Classroom materials’ funds for teachers
  • Mental Health initiative funds
  • and MORE

Your membership, donations, and time as volunteers will directly support our efforts! Thank you in advance for your support!

How to Sign Up

Click this link to sign up! You have options to purchase membership for yourself, multiple people in your household, or make a larger donation through our Gold, Silver, and Bronze donations.

Gold Donation

Your donation includes PTA membership, a yearbook, a painted tile on our Tamura 60th anniversary commemorative wall, and special recognition in our social media

Silver Donation

Your donation includes PTA membership, a yearbook, aand special recognition in our social media

Bronze Donation

Your donation includes PTA membership and special recognition in our social media


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